Adding Organizer Sheets

Organizer Sheets may be added to a Comprehensive Organizer to allow for customization.

Sheets cannot be added to ore removed from a Standard Organizer.

To add Organizer Sheets:

  1. Open the return to which you wish to add Organizer Sheets.
  2. Click the Organizer tab so that the Organizer is displayed.
  3. Do one of the following:
  • Right-click any Organizer sheet tab and select Add Organizer Sheet.
  • Click the Forms menu; then, expand the Organizer fly-out menu and select Add Organizer Sheet.

The Select Organizer Sheets dialog box appears:

Select Organizer Sheets dialog box

  1. Select the sheet(s) you wish to add.

You can select as many sheets as desired.

  1. Click Open.

See Also:

Deleting Organizer Sheets